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Lady Padme Naberrie
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Es una comunidad de SasuSaku en español. Si eres fan de está pareja en especial, estás invitado a unirte :D para compartir fanfiction, fanart y críticas constructivas del futuro de la pareja.………

Es una comunidad Madura.

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Christmas's Meme  
Meme tomado a vanish_hime  intentaré cumplir algunos de tus deseos linda ^_^. Tomen éste meme y hagan sus deseos haber si podemos entregarnos pequeños regalos mutuos en lo posible para el día de navidad entre todos ♥.  

1. Haz una entrada (abierta, FO, filtrada... lo que te venga mejor) en tu LJ. El post debe contener una lista de 10 Deseos de Navidad. Los deseos pueden ser cualquier cosa, desde algo sencillo y relacionado con el fandom ("Me gustaría un icono Ron/Hermione que sea sólo para mi."), algo intermedio ("Me gustaría el DVD de...") a algo realmente gordo ("Pues para Navidad quiero un coche nuevo/portátil/casa/tele", "Un viaje a las Seychelles"). Lo más importante es que estés segura/o de que son las cosas que de verdad quieres. Si lo que deseas son cosas "reales" (no historias o iconos), asegúrate de que incluyes alguna forma de contacto en tu post, ya sea tu dirección postal o un email donde los Reyes (o sus pajes) pueden ponerse en contacto contigo.

2. Entra en la f-list (o en la f-lists de tu f-list) para ver si alguien ha publicado esta entrada. Y lo más importante: si ves un deseo que sabes que puedes conceder y tienes toda la intención, haz que se cumpla ese deseo a esa persona.

♥ Mi lista de deseos Navideños. ♥

1.- Un fanfic dedicado a mi sobre Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann (Sparrabeth) donde se mencioné que el niño que sale al final de la tercera película es el hijo de Jack ♥. Me gusta un poco el conflicto familiar, puede tener un poco de angst.

2.- Un dibujo basado en cualquiera de las escenas románticas entre Zuko/Katara de mi fanfiction: "Sweet Little Things".

3.- Un fanfiction. No importa cuál sea la trama o la historia, preferiblemente que tenga un conflicto romántico entre los tres personajes principales y que sea un NaruSakuSasu  ♥ (no NaruSasuSaku, sino que Sakura sea el centro de atención romántico-conflictiva entre los dos mejores amigos.)

4.- Un código de profile (imagen incluida) del personaje de Diva (Blood+).

5.- Un Drabble de Diva/Riku (Blood+) mencionando que hubiera sucedido "What if" si la reina vampira no hubiera matado al adolescente.  

6.- Un fanart de chibi Veji. Es decir una versión en chibi de como se imaginan que soy ♥.

7.- Un fanvideo de Hagu/Morita (Honey and Clover) *O* .

8.-  Un fic dedicado a mi de Maka/Soul (Soul Eater) con un poquito de lime.

9.-  ¡Selección libre!. Un regalo que deseen darme de todo cariño.

10.- Una frase amable de corazón dedicada a Dios ♥. (si no son creyentes, tranquilos no es necesario que hagan nada ^_^). [Cumplido por mizuhi_chan : "Cuando busques a Dios, no mires hacia el cielo o hacia el frente; mejor mira a tu lado, pues Él esta sosteniendo tu mano" y ciertamente lo és, Dios siempre está a tu lado, no importa si parece que no es así, solo debemos abrir el corazón y podemos sentirlo ♥. ]

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I want to know if somebody has new about the avatar live-action movie? xD I'm curious that is all...

And Sakura, rocks!


XD That is all.
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I will make this very short, because right now, I'm reading and reading, all the fanbase is full of girls who are hating Sakura for her "confession". Let's be honest in this, Sakura is lying, even Naruto knows it. He is just confused, not hurt, so stop saying "Poor Naruto, he is soooo hurt", because I read all the human expression in the drawing and I don't find any trace of hurt in his face (he was more hurt and shocked and even mad when Hinata WAS hurt and mostly killed chapters before.), and saying "Sakura is a bitch, she has to die".

Had you noticed all the misogyny subtext in tha scene?. All the hate in the faces of all the mans directly at the only female character in the middle who is made a fool of herself, because she wants to save her beloved ones?, even if this means lying in the process? and kill her honest self?.

No, every single girl I saw in the internet is saying "Sakura is a bitch, she has to be slapped in the face, she is an idiot and cruel bitch to Naruto, bla bla bla". Yeah is your opinion and everybody always had a character that hate. But let's be very, very honest about it all this.

Sakura is a female character in a shonen manga. Don't tell me because is a shonen, female had to be so useless because I read a few very good SHONEN mangas and women are portrait in an incredible way. So Sakura made a mistake in her blank confession, because is a lie, but she is a teenager, and she is also confused and hurt (Because Sai said to her "you a bitch making Naruto save Sasuke, all this time"), you can't tell a girl that (in real life) in the face because is hurtfull saying that "she is the cause of all the fucking big problem", is awful and hurt a lot, and girls are fragile in her emotions more that boys (yes is true, boys mostly hide their emotions).

So stop hating and bashing Sakura's character, she is very real in this. She is confused, is hurt, and is trying her best to save Naruto and Sasuke, even this means lying to him. He knows her, because he loves her (I don't really believe in the romantic way) and she loves him, but she loves (still) sasuke so she is trying her best to stop Naruto, so nobody had to go to kill Sasuke like they were planning in the beginning.

But all the girls are seening this?, no, everybody are seeing what they want to see, and they saw that Sakura is a ugly and stupid bitch who is hurting poor innocent Naruto. I'm not saying "love Sakura" because everybody always had a character that hate or mostly dislike.

What I'm saying is that just all the girls and maybe the boys too, are seeing right NOW: The only female character in a whole scene is acting in a very desesperate way to save or change the mind of somebody she cares, but lying abour her feelings(I know she loves naruto, but right now she is lying abour her emotions and her reasons and even her love for Sasuke) just to change his mind and possible confrontation that maybe will end in dead, and all the male character are seeing her in awful-hurtful ways, except for Naruto, he is seeing her just surprised not for the confession, is because she is lying to herself.

And so all the people is saying "sakura is a ugly bitch, is stupid, is mean". She is real! boys and girls, and she is desesperated, and in the end, the whole scene just shows a group of "super genious mans and boys seeing a stupid girl confession a lie".

So that is what I'm talking about, if that is not misogyny? I don't know what to think anymore. Even now, many girls hate a female character for that and maybe you don't know that maybe a few girls do the same a few times, because we are girls and sometimes we made mistakes. Sakura, seems always had been a very human character, she is making mistakes, but hey people made mistakes and learn from them.

And she always is hated so much for this. Right know I see a side of Sakura I didn't seem before, she is a very insecure person, and she needs to mature in that. So this chapter is another process in her developed. She needs to learn and grow up in her emotions but she also needs respect, even if she is just a fictional character, she is also a female.

And Kishimoto is once again doing all whole scene when everybody hates a girl. Don't you think in that?. This is a female. I'm a female and I'm very dissapointed in what Kishimoto is doing with Sakura, and all the hate to Sakura, even from Girls.

Kishimoto is a misogynist MAN. Why be all the fandom girls be ones?, Don't we are girls?. Is just awful to think that in many ways female characters are portrait in naruto manga (bitches, stupids, fools, useless) like we are just the WORSE thing in the world.

So, don't coming tell me that Sakura is a cruel bitch to poor innocent Naruto, because Naruto is very mature to confront the girl he cares and is not that innocent. And don't come saying Sakura is a awful character and mean, because you are semi portrait in every female character in all the manga because you are a female, so you are saying "I'm a cruel bitch" and that is annoyed.

That is all.

misogynist.- concept about the hate and disgust about female and woman.

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PROMO: Cherry Tomatoes - Una Comunidad SasuSaku by Vejibra, journal

I LOVE ALICE IN WONDERLAND by Vejibra, journal

Christmas's Meme by Vejibra, journal

News about the avatar life-action movie? by Vejibra, journal

Everybody hate Sakura, but I hate Kishimoto. by Vejibra, journal